PC Zone Issue 53 (August 1997)


I’m missing issue 54 (if you have it please let me know), so this weeks PC Zone scan is issue 53 from August 1997. This one has loads of good stuff including an interview with the head of Lucasarts, previews of Daikatana, StarCraft, Jedi Knight + Shadow Warrior and reviews of Dungeon Keeper and Blood among others. The pdf and CD image can be found here

PC Zone Issue 56 (November 1997)


This weeks PC Zone scan is November 1997 including reviews of Shadows Of The Empire, Lands Of Lore 2, Total Annihilation among others. It’s also got a review of a really strange game called Galapagos which intrigued me at the time and I’ve been intending to take a look at on here eventually. No doubt I’ll get to it one day. The pdf is now available along with the cover CD in the usual place

PC Zone Issue 57 (December 1997)


I’m sharing the love this Valentine’s day with a newly scanned PC Zone – issue #57 (December 1997). This one has plenty of games I remember but nothing really classic at least in my eyes. My highlights are a Carmageddon article plus an interview with Douglas Adams about Starship Titanic. There is also a review of Sid Meier’s Gettysburg which was playtested at Origin as I understand as well as a variant on the 3 page ad for Wing Commander Prophecy from issue #58. As always the pdf and CD image can be found at https://www.pixsoriginadventures.co.uk/PCZone

Also, I found a site (http://neil-black.co.uk/) with some of the floppy cover disks on it. The owner has kindly agreed to share these and will hopefully be providing some more in the future. I’m pained to say that while I have plenty of cover CD’s, all my floppy cover disks got thrown out years back and had probably been overwritten by then anyway. Most people probably did the same thing making the original disks quite hard to come by. I’d near enough given in on ever getting hold of any of them so it’s great to be able to fill in some of these gaps at long last. I’ll add the disks he’s done in with everything else over the weekend. Issue #56 should be forthcoming next week.

PC Zone Issue 58 (Xmas 1997)

After a long break, I’m resuming my project to archive PC Zone. This has been going on for some years but has a long way left to go. The aim is to do at least one issue a week from here on out, working my way backwards from the block I’ve already done. This ought to be easily achievable and if I do manage to keep it up for the rest of the year I’ll have filled in all the gaps back to the start before 2019. I am still missing some issues however and all the floppy cover disks. If anyone wants to help out in any way please drop me a line. I’m especially interested in the early issues of which I’m missing a good number.

The next on the list was Xmas 1997:-


This is a bumper size issue including reviews of such classics as Grand Theft Auto, Curse Of Monkey Island and Blade Runner. I’ve also archived the cover CD and as ever all of these can be found with all the other scans at https://www.pixsoriginadventures.co.uk/PCZone

There isn’t much Origin content in this issue but there is a cool 3 page ad for Wing Commander Prophecy and also a full page ad for Netstorm which was developed by ex-Origin staff.

The Horde Review – PC Format

This will be a short one as I found all of one review for The Horde in the July 1994 PC Format. They liked it a whole lot less than I did citing the repetitive gameplay and lack of enough to do.


I don’t have the issue but it was also reviewed in the July 1994 PC Zone. They used to include scores from the old issues at the end of their magazine which are usually my first port of call to figure out which months I need to look at to find a given game. In contrast, they gave it 87% saying “Not an original concept but extremely well implemented.”